I’m sorry I’ve let this site fall into the black abyss that is the internet. Wish I would have cared more. Wish I would have kept going. Really, I wish I could just close it all down.

I’m giving away 100 copies of Hopper’s Pond for WebOS! The coupon code expires on 5/31/11, so act fast! Enjoy a fun free game for your Palm / HP device!

Use this code:

Or just follow this link:

Check out Touch Tiles for the BlackBerry Storm at ShopCrackBerry.

Touch Tiles is a fast paced game of memorization, you race against the clock in an effort to complete each increasingly difficult level by touching matching tiles. Play for a high score by matching tiles before time runs out.

Each level begins with a sneak peek at where all the tiles are located, when the timer starts you must touch – the game utilizes the touch screen of the Blackberry Storm and recognizes both the user touching or clicking – each matching tile. If you correctly touch two matching tiles then you score points. If you make an incorrect match you suffer a penalty and the tiles flip back over.

Some levels feature twists on the basic rules for more difficult game play. Standard levels have a sneak peek of all the tiles before the timer starts, only the game tiles are shown, and when you make a correct match the tiles remain face up. Hidden levels play like standard levels but when you make a correct match the tiles are turned face down. All Tiles on Board levels have all 20 tiles on the board but only some of the tiles are matching pairs. No sneak peek levels are the most difficult as they play like normal levels but you don’t receive a sneak peek at the beginning.

You gain more points for getting more matches in a row as well as completing a level without making any mistakes. You can also earn Awards by meeting specific criteria; i.e. getting seven matches in a row, finishing a level perfectly, getting an incredibly high score. The Awards system allows for re-playability as you try again and again to unlock more and more awards.

You high scores are tracked over multiple games as well as your overall total score, total play time, and total number of games played. These numbers factor in to earned some of the toughest Awards the game has to offer.

40 levels of increasingly difficultly
Track your high score for each level
Earn awards for beating specific criteria
Numerous rules makes each level different from the last
Challenging but easy to play

Touch Tiles - In Game Screen

Touch Tiles - In Game Screen

The easiest way to create a voice recording on the Blackberry Storm.

The easiest way to create a voice recording on the Blackberry Storm.

Recordable is a quick and easy to use program for creating voice recordings on the Blackberry Storm. Recordable, when set to a convenience key makes voice records a snap.

Press the convenience key to start recording and press it again to stop. No need to look at the screen so your attention can be focused on the task at hand and not finding the right button.

Check it out www.shopcrackberry.com or  www.mobihand.com.

Touch Tiles

A peek at the latest program that I've written for the Blackberry Storm.

A peek at the latest program that I've written for the Blackberry Storm.

Touch Tile is the latest piece of software I’ve written and my first real release for the Blackberry Storm. It utilizes the touch screen to create a quick paced memory style game.

If you are interested in giving me some feedback and doing some light beta testing please contact me and I’ll send you over a copy. I plan on releasing it in the next two weeks once I’ve finished up some loose ends.

Touch Tiles

Very simple game; it’s a knock-off of the old board game memory. Race against the clock in increasingly difficult levels matching tiles to clear the board. I’m working on adding alternate play conditions to add something new to the genre.

Match Game

Having problems setting up a timed action in your Blackberry program when using Timer() and schedule. Let me take a few moments to break down how to setup a recurring task utilizing TimerTask.

A TimerTask is a set of actions that are called from a Timer that is running on a schedule.

Timer theTimer = new Timer();

TimerTask tt = new TimerTask() {

public void run ()


System.out.println(“1 Second”);




I’ve created a Timer object and a TimerTask and set the TimerTask to a scchedule that begins 1000 milliseconds after the initial call and will repeat every 1000 milliseconds until it is cancelled.

The problem I had was I couldn’t figure out how to stop and start the schedule. You have three options.

  1. Cancel the Timer. Using theTimer.cancel() you will stop the schedule, stop the TimerTask and destroy the Timer. The problem is you can’t recreate it on the Blackberry. Every time you do you get an error message.
  2. Cancel the TimerTask. Using tt.cancel() you will stop the TimerTask and destoy the TimerTask. The problem is you can’t call on the TimerTask again since it no longer exisits, so you can’t start the TimerTask, then cancel the TimerTask, and then start another schedule that uses the TimerTask because it no longer exists.
  3. Cancel the TimerTask and recreate the TimerTask before setting up a new schedule. The Timer doesn’t need to be cancelled, just the task. If you cancel the task then it ceases to exist. So to start, stop, start, stop, etc. a task you must recreate the TimerTask. So you must ensure that somewhere between the TimerTask cancel – tt.cancel() – and the next scheudle call – theTimer.schedule(tt,1000,1000).

I wasn’t able to find a clear reason for the problems I was facing using TimerTask and thought I would write something up for future generations. You will be able to see this in action in the source code for Comedy Timing in the near future.

I haven’t paid the $100 to be able to write signed code that runs on the Blackberry yet so I am somewhat limited as to what I can put up for download as of right now. But, I did write something that I will find useful, maybe someone else will too.

It’s an application that vibrates every minute once you start the timer. With each passing minute the phone vibrates for longer and longer. You can keep track of time without having to check your watch or your phone by tracking the vibrations.

Since I do stand-up comedy I need to know how long I’ve been on stage and this helps to keep me on time without having to fumble with a watch.

Very simple but useful. I will upload the source later on (not that it means that much it’s a very simple program.) The biggest hurdle was understanding how to reschedule/reset TimerTask to start and stop when you press the button.

Comedy Timing

I bought a Blackberry Storm off of Craigslist and am very happy with it. Except for the steep cost of developing for it. It costs $200 to create signed code that will run on most handsets, then to get it listed in their App Store it costs another $200.

I’ll be happy with the phone but not willing to part with the money to write anything for it for the immediate future. One day I might, but for now I’ll just stick to writing jokes.

I took the plunge and did the pre-order for the latest Sidekick offering from T-Mobile. I even installed the latest SDK to see it in action. It’s absolutely amazing. The screen is massive and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

I have realized that almost all of my software and pictures have been removed and are no longer available. I’m in the process of searching through back-ups to find the missing items. You may not be able to download some programs at this time, but have patience as I get them uploaded again.

We have created The United Nation of Funny to support Stand-up Comedy in San Antonio, Texas. I haven’t had a chance to work on programming lately as I’ve been doing stand-up more and more.

Take a few moments to browse over and see what’s happening in San Antonio for Stand-Up.


I realize that I never fully uploaded all my old T-Mobile Shadow Programs;


Hopper for the T-Mobile Shadow

Color Keys

Key Shadow

Match Game


I hope everyone enjoys these simple games that are almost unplayable on any other Windows Mobile Standard Device.

AT&T Quickfire On Display

As we reported last night, the AT&T Quickfire is being sold early in a small rural market. Our ninja decided she would take a shot of the new UTStarcom device being displayed in an AT&T store. Drum roll please…

AT&T Quickfire In The Wild

View Original Article

Check out my newest YouTube video entitled,

Discreet Encounters in Vegas End Up Like A Deck of Cards!

Every discreet encounter in Vegas

Every discreet encounter in Vegas